Happy 4/20! Whether you partake in the enjoyment of some high-quality marijuana or not it’s all the same – 4/20 is the day we celebrate marijuana in the US.
Not only do we celebrate the beautiful cannabis plant that we all love, but we celebrate the ability to smoke it. Or eat it. Or use it for its many health benefits! This is the day that no matter where you are in the world you become part of the movement that will never stop pushing the limits when it comes to firing up the bowl.
Happy 4/20 Day!
420 Love
Even if you prefer the more mild counterparts to weed like CBD tincture, oils, or even CBD prerolls, it is all good. Celebrate this amazing day any way you like. There is no bigotry within the cannabis world it is all about the cannabis without the labels. If you believe in freedom, you are in the game. You are part of the monumental uprising of herbal rights.
What is 420 All About?
Everywhere you go it seems you hear about 420 and the magical holiday that goes with it. In some places, you can see the smoke rising upwards on the horizon towards the heavenly sky all day long.
You can even get some strong whiffs of the all too familiar smell of that lovely skunk bud essence. If you’re lucky, you may even get a contact high. Unless, of course, you have your own stash and are part of the party. In that case, bring your munchies because it’s a day to celebrate.
Have you ever wondered about 420? What is it all about? Where did it start? Some people say that the police have their own arrest code for pot smokers, code 420. All the different "urban legends" about how 420 got its name are just that, myths and stories. Of course, it’s all nonsense. The true story is much better.
The Waldos
It all started in 1971. A group of guys known as The Waldos decided that regardless of the rules they were going to smoke weed together. The Waldos; Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffery Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich became known as the “waldos” because they liked to meet up and spend time by “the wall.” They would hang around and smoke weed, get all stoned out and have a jolly good time.
This all happened at San Rafael High School in California’s beautiful Bay Area. After some thought and planning, the guys decided that if they met by the statue of the chemist Louis Pasteur at 4:20 in the afternoon most of the people would be cleared out of the campus and they could safely smoke their weed without interruption. So, that’s what they did. They met every day at 4:20 and commenced putting the fire to the buds. It was probably hard to hide there with all of the smoke they would produce though.
It wasn’t long until they began to use the phrase “420” as a code for marijuana. The popularity grew very quickly and before long everybody knew what it meant. What a convenient way to express the desire to go get stoned. ”420” is all someone had to say and automatically the conversation was about weed. Where to get it, where to smoke it, who had it. All things pot were 420.
Still a Thing
What is truly amazing is that after over 49 years people are still proclaiming 420. It doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon either. People all over the country that are cannabis enthusiasts love to celebrate the 420 movement in all of its glory. Proof of this is that more and more states agree that marijuana should be decriminalized and respected as the gem that it is.
Marijuana Movement
Back when 4/20 first started most people had a negative outlook about marijuana in general. Maybe it was the way most stoners looked and acted back then, or maybe there was something deeper going on. We may never know. What we do see today, however, is that over the years pot enthusiasts never gave up. They kept pushing. They kept believing. They kept smoking. They did not allow the general opinion of society to bring them down and feel bad about being "stoners". As they continued to push back, the system began to retreat.
Worth Celebrating
If you look at the holiday for what it really is you can appreciate the context of the message behind it. A lot of people that have a common interest in something coming together to enjoy it with others. It’s your day, smokers. Party hard.
High Falls Hemp New York Supports 420
High Falls Hemp New York definitely supports 420. We believe in freedom. However, our main focus is on premium CBD. We also believe in quality.
Many of the customers that visit our online CBD store are impressed with the quality of our products. We want to ensure anybody that comes to us for CBD tinctures, CBD for pets or any CBD products at all will get the highest quality there is to get. Visit our online store, or contact us today with any questions.
Thank you, and Happy 420!